Under what circumstances are these shirts even marketable? What's next the New Moon vibrator/dildo collection? I understand that these books are important to that segment of the population that doesn't understand that vampires aren't real and that things like character development, dialogue, and coherence are important to the act of storytelling, but c'mon. All these shirts are going to get you is the scorn and derision of the rest of us. Even Jon Gosselin thinks they are tacky and cheap and we all know what kind of fashion maven he is.
What???? You don't want one for Christmas??
They are actually making the second movie!!
I don't get the hysteria over TEENAGE boys in a book/movie. I get the vampire thing (Gary Oldham in Dracula was HOTTTT), but these boys are either a. 17 yrs old or b. playing a boy in high school. Tacky indeed...
They do make a Twilight Dildo. I can send you a link if you want. It's sparkly, and you can put it in the freezer - you know, for extra deadness.
Vampires aren't real?????
Renee is awesome for knowing about the dildo.
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