1. I'm glad that Kim Kardashian has finally come to grips with her ass. To be a role model for the young girls out there don't you know...
2. I started playing fantasy baseball... Not only am I a massive dork who apparently likes to spend his time obsessed with football, I have now found that I can channel my life-long love of baseball into that nerdyness.
3. Tiger Woods is apparently pissed about his wife wanting to move back to Sweden with his kids. Really? So we are supposed to believe that the love of his kids and family are stronger than his love of skanky whores, money, and golf?
4. Recent tweets by Lindsay Lohan's dad where he's all shirtless and sweaty just reaffirm my belief that when she goes off and kills herself with cocaine and cock that he and his ex-wife should be arrested for murder.
5. I did not know that Robocop was supposed to be symbolic of Christ... I did not know that Christ used an elevator to chop somebody's arms off.

6. Finally, I love the book It and wish that I could hire
this guy. It would allow me to terrorize my children and laugh. Maybe I should book him a flight for Eli's birthday. What do you say?