Not a ton of funny in this post, but I had to say something about the recent troubles of Ben Rothlisberger. For those who don't know, Ben is the starting quarterback for the Pittsburgh Steelers. He has recently been accused of rape, but was not charged due to evidence issues, namely Georgia's rape laws requiring evidence of 'forcible penetration.' So despite bruising and lacerations on the victims genitals, there was not enough to charge Ben. Which is too bad, because the police report is damning. Adding to it, this is not the first time that someone has accused Ben of being a predator and a creep, but this is beginning to show a pattern of behavior.
Why bring this up? Well, where is the outrage in the general public? The NFL outlets are mixed, but I expect that. Society was quick to try and lynch Michael Vick for his actions with the dogs, but Ben rapes women. Without remorse... he should rot in hell, or at least a prison cell somewhere. He'll eventually get to prison, but the sad thing is that he will ruin more lives until that day.
The picture above should have been a mug shot.
Andre said it's because Vick is black... I tend to agree on this one. Ben deserves to rot UNDER the prison! Or send him into general population and let someone rape him!
I don't think the decision not to prosecute was racial, if you saw the DA talking he would have loved to take a shot at Ben. I think Georgia's strange laws were to blame. The general perception of Ben? That could very well be race based. What Vick did was unacceptable, but the hate shown towards him should be an anthill next to the shitstorm that should collapse on Ben.
Homer, you are right on.
Rape isn't funny. Except when you think about the raping this guy will get once he gets his comeuppance.
Homer, that was what I was referring to. Not the DA being unable to prosecute, but the general conception.
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