Browsing the web, trying to dull the pain of the curse of the Golden Girls and I find that it is apparently open season on celebrity marriages. Well, actually I guess we would have to work on our definition of celebrity, but you get the idea. First I read that Al and Tipper Gore were splitting up, and then I heard the news that Zack from Saved by the Bell and his wife were divorcing. The capper to this rash of celebrity separation is of course the idea that Heidi McPlasticbitch left that lunatic Spencer. He is pictured above from the past couple of days coming to grips with his ample gayness....
I guess there is really no point to this post other than to wonder, if the shallow and vacuous cannot keep their marriages together, what hope do the rest of us have?
You may as well retain an attorney, Homer. I'll give you the number of mine - he takes payment plans.
Hey don't forget the dog whisperer's wife has left him too...
I'm shocked that Heidi could stand being around that bastard longer than 5 minutes. I see him and want to poke my eyes out. lol
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