1. The headline? Zac Efron's Beard. How am I not supposed to laugh? Apparently I'm supposed to give a shit that Zac finally hit puberty and can grow facial hair, kinda... But I'm not supposed to infer that Zac is taking it in the ass from some random waiter at the Beverly Hills P.F. Changs? Next thing you know Charlie St. Cloud is going to play the Rev. Willie G in the ZZTop story...

2. Paris Hilton used to stash blow in her vag. At least it's good for something other than spreading industrial strength STDs. You know how they used to try to dissuade young people from doing coke by telling you all of the nasty shit that it is made from? What does this say about Paris' junk? Oh, and did they have to use one of those bank drive thru containers to keep it from falling out at an inopportune time?

3. Kanye is writing a song for Taylor Swift.... Is he going to use his superpowers to turn back time to not be an asshole? If not, he needs to just STFU.
4. Speaking of superpowers, so this guy is the new Spiderman? What was Toby to masculine for the role? I know that it is old news and the Spiderman character is supposed to be a normal guy, but is he supposed to have tiny vestigal wings and use Downy on his delicates?

5. Apparently Kim Kardashian is not happy that Playboy is releasing more photographs from her session she did with the magazine last year. Really? There are more pictures? Hmmmmm.... Anyway, what did she think that Playboy was? Some company that releases pictures of naked women or something? I suppose she regrets letting Ray-J pee on her too.... Of course without that we wouldn't know who the hell she is, so probably not. Although Lamarr Odom probably does...

Zac looks like Jared Leto.
Joe and I read about Paris, and we were disgusted that she quickly shoved the Camel cigarette box (filled with coke) in her scary parts. Gross on so many levels.
If I need a quick hiding place for a smallish object, my mind goes to "stick it in your pocket" and maybe even "in your shoe" which is number 58 on the top 100 differences between me and Paris Hilton.
Does seem like there is a tendency toward androgyny in Hollywood from the looks of these guys.
vestigial wings.. LOL
Paris: She carries her dog in her purse and probably needed to put the rest of her stuff somewhere. Who can blame her....
Zac's beard is almost as bad as that douche Spencer Pratt.
I don't even want to think about that dumb whore Paris and her junk. Why can't they just toss her in the slammer already. ugh
The new Spiderman is scary looking. He looks like he should be the young Wolverine instead.
Are you saying Lamarr hit it??
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