1. Paris Hilton described her current boyfriend to the press this weekend as ‘perfect.’ No one really knows what this means except for his obvious ability to repel herpes, syphilis, and the like. Oh, and the ability to be in Paris’ presence for more than 37 seconds and being able to stifle the urge to disembowel her with a broken machete.
2. According to some random scientists, the area of the Four Corners the southwest United States has been surveyed incorrectly. The Four Corners tourist spot is about 2.5 miles off. It has just come to light ever since the area was defined over one hundred years ago. Very nice. Tell me, does it ever worry you that these are the people who we entrust trillions of dollars to, and they cannot even make a respectable map? Magellan had it down 500 years ago, what the hell is the government’s problem? Buster Bluth could get this right. (On a side note, I have been to the four corners and for all that people blather that it is a tourist trap, I thought it was pretty cool, now I feel cheated)
3. Lindsay’s back on men. Are we 100% certain that Sam Ronson was a woman? I need a clarification on this before I can accept this story. I’ll bet that many women in the greater Los Angeles area are breathing easier today. Of course, all males remotely connected with the entertainment industry or the night-club circuit are all terrified and taking at least one cycle of zithromax. I’d suggest some valtrex as well, but hey, what’s life without some risk.
4. Amy Winehouse wants to adopt a baby. Really? To raise or for the baby’s fats and emollients? How is she not dead yet? Somebody better explain this to me, or get the shotgun because we are about to enter Shaun of the Dead territory.
It's interesting that Amy Winehouse would adopt. Because it made my brain say, "How could this woman, with all her physical and emotional problems possibly be approved by the powers that be to raise a child??" and THEN my brain said, "Yeah, but natural childbirth is also out of the question, because How could this woman, with all her physical and emotional problems possibly be approved by The Powers That Be to raise a child??" She seems pretty incapable, no matter how you slice it.
LOL @ "fats and emollients"
Sam Ronson is a gross man.
And Buster Bluth? LOLOLOL!!!!
What?? Boob week is already over? Time does seem to fly by fast!
But disaster averted... You did prevent the exodus to lesbianism.
Homer drives ladies to lesbianism.... Who will bring us back (like Costanza and Kramer)?
Not everyone will flip flop as easily as Lindsay I guess.....
Four Corners added to the 100 places I want to visit before I die....Good thing I didn't see it yet.
Are you sure there was no suffix after the "perfect" (would be "a perfect ...")? I can think of a few choice words...
Thanks to you and your influence, I had a sex dream about Tobias and me last night. Totally pissed off dream-Joe. I am not happy about that at all.
So how hot was it when Tobias took his shorts off??? Or have you gotten that far yet??
You are disgusting. I love and abhor you at the same time.
Having touched on lesbianism and Salma recently....anyone watch Salma kiss Tina Fey in y'day's episode of 30 Rock?
What I am convinced of is, this does not make the cut for me... I found Heath Ledger and Jake G(whatever) way hotter.
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