Make her stop!!! Someone really needs to go Borat on Pam Anderson. Stuff her into a sack and then take away all of her ten year old slutty outfits. Then burn them of course, but I would worry about the Hep's ability to survive fire.
Everyone is criticizing her for attending the opening of a steakhouse/strip club, seeing how she's a vegetarian. All I have to say is that I've seen the film and it all makes sense; she's not afraid of stuffing meat in her mouth.
I would just be worried about white, in case the sores started to bleed. She must have a backup system in place.
Why is she soooo gross? She scares me. Make the dreams go away Day Man!!!
As Tim Gunn would say, that's a whole lotta look.
I had to share this, because really, this is the best commentary I've seen for this picture anywhere on the interweb.
From the girls at gofugyourself: "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We get it: YOU CONTINUE TO LABOR UNDER THE DELUSION THAT YOU STILL LOOK HOT IN THIS. Allow me to be frank, Pammy: YOU DON'T. You're starting to look SCARY AND DESPERATE and it is BUMMING ME OUT. Pardon me for being so blunt, but you need a Get a Grip friend in the worst way, babe. You're only 42, but clinging to your old school crotchtacular ridiculousness is making you look at least five years older thanks to its shiny veneer of TRAGIC. I BEG OF YOU: LOOK INTO PANTS, AND YOUR DIGNITY."
LMAO @ everyone! I don't have anything to add except all of these coments make me laugh!!!
Sounds like "female vegetarians" are a dying breed! Given this revised definition, the last one(s) that are left probably can't prevent the extinction anyway... given what put them in the category ... See the problem?
above was Anamika
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