Due to the confusion relating to who won this year's Death Pool, here are the rules for next years (I like them because it leads to a whole year's worth of being a Ghoul).
Please post your list in this format. It makes for easier sorting and checking.
1. Celebrity #1
2. Celebrity #2
3. Celebrity #3
4. Celebrity #4
5. Celebrity #5
6. Celebrity #6
7. Celebrity #7
8. Celebrity #8
9. Celebrity #9
10. Celebrity #10
1. Each pick this year is worth 100 points minus their age.
Example: If your pick dies at age 67, you will recieve 33 points. If they die at 33, you will recive 67 points.
2. The game will begin on January 1st, 2009, and end on December 31st, 2009.
3. The celebrity must have achieved their level of fame themselves. It's not enough to be related to a celebrity.
4. Executions don't count. People on death-row are not eligable at all.
5. They must be famous for something OTHER than the fact that they haven't died already. The individual has to have had some level of fame BEFORE they got old and/or sick.
6. Only real humans allowed. No fictional characters, no companies, no fads/concepts, no governments, no animals. How much clearer do I need to be?
Prizes will be ..
A twelve pack of Diet Coke(or whatever it is you drink) and the respect and admiration of your peers.
Homer, you're too funny. We all promise to follow the rules!
I think you've been watching too much Lost lately....:-). It's going to be real hard to compete by those rules unless we time travel....
But principally... Ok.
Hey folks! 2010!!!
Who is this Anamika? Where did she come from?
Excellent - I need some time to research and prepare my list....
Scores are added up on January 1, 2011? Or do we want to do a mid-year 2009 from July 1, on, to be tallied Janurary 1, 2010? Because I just KNOW Patrick Swayze is going down this year.
Are there any points given for placement on the list? Because I don't want to waste Petula Clark at my number 8 spot, if I know she'd be easy money at the number 2.
Yes if the truth be known, in some moments I can reveal that I approve of with you, but you may be considering other options.
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