2. Bumper stickers and car art have really gotten out of hand. I saw one the other day talking about how body piercing had saved their life, with a nice cartoon depiction of Jesus being nailed to a cross. I really wish my beliefs and philosophies about life could be encapsulated by a pithy phrase and bitchin' picture. Now, I'm pretty sure that my conception of Jesus includes a sense of humor, but you know, some shit just isn't funny. I'm pretty sure that jackhole is going to get a whole new version of body piercing when he gets to Valhalla.
3. So I'm watchin' the television with the kids the other day and the newest Carl's Jr. commercial came on, you know the one with Audrina Partridge (or whatever her name is). It was the standard stuff, sexy girl eating meat, which really prompted the thought of how far is too far? I don't mind a girl in a bikini selling me a burger, but what about the kids? Should we be pushing the limit so far that we are going to need to have a birds and bees discussion based on fast food advertising? That isn't even talking about that new Burger King ad...

4. Apparently Paris Hilton went on Kathy Griffin's show and talked about how she doesn't believe in oral sex. “I never do that. My mom always taught me, ‘Only ugly girls need to go down on their knees and do things like that.’” With a straight face no less. I know that it violates the terms of Blogger use, but google search of Paris Hilton oral sex will provide you with approximately 301,000 images, many of them of Paris with a dick in her mouth. Which I guess proves that Paris' mother was right.
5. Finally, An Oklahoma woman was recently arrested for prostitution...but not for money, she was bartering sex for a case of Frito-Lay chips. This is good for a laugh, but it does raise a serious question: what are the odds that you could convince Lindsay Lohan to commit the same act for a case of Red Bull? I'm going out on a limb and guessing that it has already happened.
That BK ad is terrible. I mean, really really awful. I am all about the crass, the rude, the inappropriate, but that is waaaay too much for an ad.
What kind of Frito-Lay chips were these? If they were just regular Fritos (even the chili cheese or chile con limon ones) then it totally wasn't worth it. If it was Doritos, then maybe. ---- Gotta go find a Frito-Lay truck driver!
Is that BK ad for real or is it a joke?
The BK ad is all to real. It has raised quite the ruckus.
It's the meat in the mouth special!
Sorry, you are missing out on the car art/tattoos. Whether I could express myself so concisely with art, humor or words has never crossed my mind before. But anything more permanent than a white board and an eraser, is too permanent for me. So I won't ponder this anymore.....
I haven't seen either of the burger commercials in question....Need to hit youtube.
I wish I had Paris and her mom with their words of wisdom, guiding me thru' life when I grew up :-)
Ok... BK is the print ad you had in the post... Did not read it closely enough earlier...
I can just imagine the dirty old men in the pitch meeting for the BK ad... Reminds me of that Jennifer Aniston movie, Picture Perfect where she is in advertising and the "mustard king" is trying to come up with his own advertising ideas... He comes up with a scantilly clad woman and the lines, "Spread This". Wow...
Regarding the Carls Jr ad, at least someone else did Audrina's make-up, lol.... and at least we don't have to see Paris trying to pimp more burgers. Let a new whore have her trick.
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