I admit, I am not the theologian that I should be, but isn't a Saved by the Bell reunion somewhere in Revelations, right after the four horsemen? Death, War, Famine, Pestilence, and Zach? At least we are spared reading/hearing about that freak Dustin whatever.... he is just going to rot in hell.
No Screech? YAY!!! Dustin Diamond triggers my gag reflex.
There must have been a lot more boycotts that we missed...why will it come down to this?
When exactly did Saved by the bell, air? These guys look fairly young.
I was watching something about this on Extra and Mario said Dustin chose not to come and had something planned... Who cares Dustin! I think the world proved they could care less when you resorted to selling t-shirts to save your house. lol
Actually, according to Radar Online, the rest of the cast insisted on him not being there because he's writing a tell-all about the show.
I totally missed this show by a few years, but everyone I know who is about 5 years younger than me loves it and can recite the dialogue.
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