Ted Kennedy was laid to rest this morning and quite frankly listening to the press and politicians yammer on about how great a man he was and his wonderful achievements made me want to throw up. Nowhere did anyone mention how while he was helping the poor and unfortunate, how he neglected to help Mary Jo Kopechne. Ted Kennedy was a narcissistic piece of shit who rode the coat-tails of more talented, even more vain, brothers.
There you go.
"Fair and balanced" like Fox News? Is that sarcasm (I could not resist throwing that in :-))?
I guess people in general believe in the proverb - do not speak ill of the dead (or something to that effect). I am sure the media is extra careful about who it interviews as well.
I agree that people are being nice, but really, they are going way overboard.
Don't even get me started on Chappaquiddick!!! I think the weather guy at work learned his lesson when I went OFF on him about the Kennedy's and the ridiculous notion that they are somehow America's Royalty. It kills me because they got their money linked to the mob, by their daddy Joe. Uggghhh!! Get's my blood pressure up!
Yeah, what you said!
You're being a tad harsh, Homer. I mean who among us hasn't flipped their car in to a pond and left the passenger to marinate overnight?
I hope that when I die people remember how meticulously I marked legislation and gloss over the fact that I left a woman to suffocate on her own exhausted air.
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