Nuff said. I think I'll dial up another viewing of Road House this weekend.... I wonder what God thinks of ripping out the throats of evil bastards? He was probably on the fence until he saw that dude's hair. That shit was an abomination, he brought the throat-ripping on himself.
I think I'll watch Dirty Dancing tonight instead of the train wreck that's named Rachel Zoe. lol
Dirty Dancing was a way better contribution.
You need to give Renee her due. She picked the Swayz (pronounced "Sways") on her 2009 Death Poll.
Since you brought up throat-ripping, that's sort of what my dog did to the groundhog that lives under the shed, this weekend (or maybe it was closer to strangulation)... That thing's been taunting him from a distance for a few years now. He got his chance and made no mistakes. Needless to say, he's going to doggy hell...but I wonder what the karma is for an abettor!
Fact: China has more assholes than any other country.
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