It is not enough that Hollywood has tried to ruin everyone in their 40's childhood memories, now scientists are trying to get into the act as well....
Apparently, the dinosaur that was known as triceratops did not exist.... so all of those artists depictions of triceratops valiantly fighting off a t-rex were not real.... damnit! First brontosaurus, now triceratops? What's next? What is going to be left when they finally open Jurassic Park? I'm not taking this well...
**Goes off to punch a wall**
I am weeping.
So what about the skeletons they've found? I'm confused.
No joke, I went to elementary school with a boy whose baby sister was named Cera, after the Triceratops in Land Before Time. Those parents must be so pissed.
Also, aren't they just changing the name of the adult that "triceratops" becomes to triceratops?? So now it exists again?? This is why I think religious nuts are right, and dinosaurs never existed.
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