Apparently the photoshop wizards that Maxim usually employs to edit out nipples and unsightly blemishes were on vacation when the editorial staff (that's a joke folks, if you've ever read Maxim, you know that there is no such thing as editing or ideas there) decided to put the least ugly female member of the Jersey Shore in their publication. I prefer that thought to the one that tells me that this is the best they can do for this poor girl. That boob job makes Heidi Montag's look natural in comparison.
Seriously, I could go anywhere in the metropolitan Phoenix area where more than ten people have gathered, throw a rock and hit a prettier girl. This skank needs to keep her special guidoized brand of herpes contained to that festering cesspool known as New Jersey. At some point the CDC needs to intervene...
Didn't they have anyone on staff to do hair and makeup? Or did they just look at her and give up?
hahahhaha nothing to add, lol
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