So I have been sitting around the house for the past three weeks, trying to find something to do. I have read the interwebz far too much.... I am on Lindsay Lohan overload and if I read another story about Mel Gibson, I just might have to find a two bums and pay them to fight. So I have a few random thoughts I figured I'd share:
1. Lebron James is going to Miami. I don't understand why I'm supposed to care so much, but ESPN devoted a full hour to his decision.... Nothing Lebron is going to say will keep me interested for 60 minutes, unless he has my family held hostage. To think that he needed an hour of airtime for that atrocity, well, let's just say that someone's mommy instilled a little too much "you're special" into their head.... And then Jesse Jackson starts defending Lebron? Amazing....
2. They are going to make an Ozzy Osborne movie? Jesus, please no. Just no. First of all when I say 'they,' I am referring to the dolts who are trying to tell me that the 5th Harry Potter movie, which has sold over $900 million worth of tickets lost money, so I am not talking about people who are sane and normal. But really? who is going to see this shit? Anyone with any sense and interest has seen the Osbornes and realizes that they are all nuts.... Why would I want to pay ten bucks to see his fantasy version of his life on the screen? And he wants to play his mother? Oh man.... they talked about this stuff in my psychology classes....
3. San Francisco is thinking about banning pet sales.... I'm intrigued. I won't even discuss gerbil sales....
4. Bon Jovi is in the clip above. He tweaks his leg in the video, which is a bad song, apparently tells the audience that getting old sucks and goes into the next song, Livin' on a Prayer. After that the show is over and everyone goes home happy, except for Jon Bon Jovi who finds out that he tore his calf muscle. I've never been a big Bon Jovi fan, but damn, the dude's a pro...
5. Finally, some brilliant photographer asked themselves, what would one of Homer's favorite models look like if she were having her pictures taken in the mid-80's? The results are at the top of the post.... That photographer is my new hero....
Bar is so ugly. Even with all of that makeup, they still couldn't make her look hot. Gross.
Tell me how you really feel Diane....
The funny thing is Bar wouldn't be anywhere near the top of the modeling world if this was the 80's...back then you had to have a gorgeous, flawless face (Cindy Crawford, Christy Turlington, Linda Evangelista), which Bar does NOT have. Now-a-days the top models are usually Eastern-European, weigh nothing, and a fug face is prized as "interesting".
Ozzy: Freud would have had a field day here.
SFO: Why? Banning selling pets or "discounting the price" sale of pets?
Bar: You are so easy to please..
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