Trying to get back into the swing of things....
1. Steve Carell has decided to leave The Office after this upcoming season. I have never liked his character on that show. It always felt like he was trying too hard. In the beginning it was awkward and uncomfortable, but as the show 'progressed' he became unwatchable. At least Dwight was funny.... until a couple of years ago. The show has been decidedly bad for years now, but it is the only show on NBC that gets ratings, so you know the network is going to keep its corpse on display for at least two or three more years. Good for Steve to get out before the network engages in a creative Weekend at Bernie's with his show and character like they have done for Jay Leno.
2. Speaking of unwatchable... Jay Leno's ratings have been lower than Conan's were. HA! The least talented, least funny host in late night is getting what he deserves. Not really, if there were any justice in the world, Jay's garage would explode, his wife would leave him and reveal his fish fetish to the world, and he would be reduced to scouring the newspapers of the world for joke headlines for shut-ins who don't know any better.
3. The Bachelor and his television girlfriend broke up.... does anyone really give a fuck? Now she's trying to guilt Playboy into taking pictures of her naked. Really? I'll tell you what Hef, if you promise to keep her fugly ass out of your magazine, I'll actually subscribe. On a side note, if you go on a television dating show, you automatically lose any ability to call the other person an attention whore. Them's just the rules. Venereal or whatever your name is, take your gay ex-boyfriend and go the hell away.
4. So did Gary Coleman's ex-wife really kill the little bastard?
5. So many people are prefacing the news of Megan Fox's wedding with some sort of mocking 'she's off of the market' crack. Was she ever on the market? I know that Brian Austin Greene is a douche bag, but hey, he locked that shit down early, good for him. You just know that Ian Ziering is out there combing the Greyhound stations like that old Poison video....
6. If I hear another 'expert' or 'insider' report on LeBron James, I might just up and stab someone... Seriously, does anyone really give a shit about where an entitled, spoiled millionaire is going to go and quit during another playoff run?
7. I love Ice-T... but can I paypal him some money to keep his wife's junk off of my internet? At least for a few days? It would totally be worth it.
8. Apparently Al Gore likes the happy ending.... which might be a bit inconvenient for any future political causes he'd like to champion.... but, what the hell, I'm intrigued by his ideas, in fact I might just want his newsletter....
9. Tiger's soon to be ex-wife is going to get upwards of $750 million. Good for her. I know one thing though, I've been into a lot of crappy diners in my life and I've never seen one waitress in any Perkins, Denny's, or iHop that is worth $750 million. That's just me though, I have taste and class....
10. The picture used above was done to commemorate the anniversary of Michael Jackson's death... I'm waiting for the one where Satan is sodomizing his drugged ass while he is burning in a pit of fire. About this one though, who knew dying made you black? Food for thought....
1. I love The Office...it still cracks my shit up, but I agree that Steve Carrel isn't the reason anyone watches.
2. Leno...I can't even muster up anything. I agree with you 100%
3. That girl is weird looking and from what I've heard, totally delusional about the whole Playboy thing...they're denying it cuz she's fug.
4. Huh? Really? I'm behind on this one.
5. Zzzzzzz...she bores me, and reading about her getting married in Hawaii just makes me jealous that she's in Hawaii and I'm not.
6. You should rent "More Than A Game"...it made me kinda love LeBron.
7. She is a freak of nature/surgery...I saw a pic of her on the beach in a bikini that would be too small for a 5 year old girl.
8. I find that lady's voice to be 100% full of shit. The whole "lummox" quote just doesn't ring true to me and sounds like it's her creative writing skills at work.
9. That's a lot of cash - how much is that guy worth? He's Oprah rich!
10. Yes, last week saw a bunch of shows devoted to the cannonization of MJ...it's vomit-inducing.
1. Sorry, I never really got on board with that show... I think there are a few funny episodes, but maybe it's because Steve Carell's character is annoying to me. Idk.
2. Jay Leno sucks.
3. Hahaha... She's a cockeyed bitch! LOL
4. Wow, I didn't hear she was being accused of that either. Where have I been?
5. Speaking of plastic surgery nightmares?? Have you guys seen pictures of her lately?? She's looking Heidi-esque. Yikes!!
6. Did you hear one of the rumored reasons he's leaving is because his teammates have been doin his mama?? Ewww...
8. I just think it's interesting that the police said there was nothing to it years ago, but all of the sudden they are looking into it again? Really?
9. I get that Tiger should have to pay his wife for child support etc... but $750 million?? Really?
10. hahahahah! Special place in hell for child molesters.
I would totally allow my husband to bang nasty Ihop chicks for &750 million.
That MJ painting is awful. Will you paint the one with Satan and the sodomozing? Just blur the penetration and I will buy it for 5 bucks.
No one has accused the ex-Mrs. Coleman of murder, yet.... but there are whispers that she didn't have the authority to pull the plug. And she could have helped the poor guy.
#5 that explains the Hawaii trip.... Mission not accomplished...
#10 interesting.. jeebus took his glove? wonder if they have grape soda in heaven...
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