Apparently that little leprechaun Spencer Pratt is homeless. That's just too bad. I got nothing else about that little bastard. In more important news (important only because it deals with someone who actually did something with their life) New York Yankee owner George Steinbrenner died this morning. No one had him in the pool, which was an oversight I'm sure for many, which means someone lost out on twenty points. In the big picture this wasn't unexpected as he's been reportedly been sick for many years, but it is good to reflect on how George changed the culture of baseball..... wait, it isn't good because he helped put baseball in the position it is currently in, which is a place where only a handful of teams can compete on a regular basis and whenever a team falls out of contention they sell of all of their good players because they cannot afford to keep them. He was a bully, a narcissistic asshole, and a megalomaniac. Gee, why do the good die so young?
On second thought, let's talk about Spencer's future.....
Spencer Pratt. What a douche.
I can't think of him without thinking of all the Seinfeld stuff...too funny. IRL, he was an asshole.
And who is Spencer Pratt? I shudder at the thought of what you may consider bad :-)
It's been less than 24 hours and I've been over hearing about it for about 12 hours now. And Spencer is a douche. He already looks like a yedi so I guess it makes me sense that he's homeless now.
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