1. Damnit... I blame my mother for the fact that I end up watching The Sound of Music when it is on television. It is almost as gay as watching Can't Stop the Music, but without the need to search out Marisa Miller pictures to cleanse the eyes.
2. Insurance companies piss me off. I haven't had any problems with mine, but the onslaught of commercials talking about how so-and-so's customers switched and saved are just irritating me. No shit, Progressive's customers who switched to Allstate saved some bank, otherwise why would the switch? Just because the fictional US president is their spokesman? Stupid marketing people...
3. The Indianapolis Colts are quitters. After their tank job today, I am actively rooting against Indianapolis. Screw all those funny Peyton Manning commercials too...
4. I had a long post written about going to see Y&T a few weeks back in Tempe (for those who don't know, Y&T is a Bay Area hard rock band from the 80's). I'll summarize, they have always been, and continue to be, a fantastic live band. I first saw them in 1986 at the Cotati Cabaret and have seen them probably a dozen times since. Seeing them at Club Red didn't make me feel 16 again, but it certainly reminded me what it was like.
5. I'm putting together the Dead Pool entries, so if you want to participate post 'em up before the first and I'll get it set up. I still think K-Rock should get some points for calling Brittany Murphy's demise. Too bad she couldn't wait just a few weeks to kick off.
6. I'm trying to get my report night topic together for Friday. I'm still not sure what it will be about, but it will ROCK the house, I can assure you.

7. Tara Reid is in the new issue of Playboy. I think that this may actually be the second time they've put an animated character on the cover in the past few months. I know that a certain level of air-brushing is the norm, but if this picture is any indicator of what they did to this girl, they might as well just go compete with Pixar. If Pixar had herpes.
Agreed, KRock should be able to receive at least half of the points she would have received had she kicked in 2010. Only because that one was soooo left field. All in favor say Aye
Hahaha I sooooo watched The Sound of Music on Sunday too! I have it on DVD, but that would require effort which I don't have much of these days.
I need to hurry and get my list together!
I disagree with giving K-rock any points. If she is so bad ass...she should have guessed the right year. It's the 2010 death pool, not the 2009 death pool.
VG, kiss my chocolate starfish! I should absolutely get some points for Brit's demise.
1. and the dancing chicks (shudder) :-)....I'll fess up to watching part of Sound of music also...that too over Dark Knight...
5. unlikely that I'll make your deadline.... I am temporarily online using your favorite company's wifi.
I am trying hard not to be mad today... but you clearly need to look up the word candor in a dictionary!
I can't believe I missed this post. That part about Sound of Music is the best thing ever.
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