Obviously the answer if 'fornicate.' I'd say adulterate, but that has a competely different meaning. Anyway, I just wanted to weigh in on the scandal, not because I care about Tiger Woods, but I do have some thoughts about the concepts of love, marriage, and fidelity. For those of you who don't know, I have been married to a wonderful woman for a long time. I can speak to marriage and the challenges that it presents to the people involved. That isn't going to be very helpful, or very entertaining, so I'd rather talk about what I don't know, the Tiger Woods lifestyle.
You rarely see successful marriages among famous people for a very simple reason: they are rarely together. I know I'm playing generalizing armchair psychotherapist here, but really if you are living in hotels away from your family for half of the year, you are going to find yourself with a ton of free time, millions of dollars, and a sense of entitlement in that no one in your life tells you no. Then you end up railing some loser whose appeared on Tool Academy. I'm not really sure where to go with that. All I can say is that if you are going to cheat on your wife, there are acceptable ways to make this happen (see Brangelina), and then there is the Glen Close/Fatal Attraction/strippers and whore action way which is apparently what Tiger decided to do. Good for him...it just good that he's used to putting his balls into holes that are significantly bigger and occasionally have flags planted in them.
"it just good that he's used to putting his balls into holes that are significantly bigger and occasionally have flags planted in them" LOLOLOLOL
Here's the question. How well do you think your marriage would be when you're spending your free time in the club, while you're on the road? I don't care how strong you think you are but women are throwing themselves at you and at some point you're going to cheat. Women you'd meet just being a celbrity alone is one thing, but he's out in the clubs looking for ass.
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