Even though it is cold and rainy outside, it is often important to find little rays of sunshine where you can. Like that one that follows Marisa Miller around.
On another serious note, it is time to start gathering up ideas for the 2010 Death Pool. I'll repost the rules later today just so there's no questions about next year's winner.
"what? you don't want too have sex with me??"- Marisa.
"No ma'am, just the tits.yes those."as I point at them..
Now that I am caught up, we are still playing this game - joe? At this point, I am finding this rather amusing...
A Homer's name pool sounds more apt at this point... just tell me the point of this exercise and I promise to pretend that I believe u totally...
Why do I feel like I am missing something?
Anamika is like Bigfoot....we would all love to see one one day, but deep down inside we know it doesn't really exist. Also, if I happened across one it better pray I don't have a gun.
Guy that called me Bigfoot:
If Joeq is Homer, Anamika is real....
But since Joe's been going through elaborate lengths to convince me that this is not his blog (which is what I was talking about - not the stupid Death Pool), I may not exist...
So, if you tell me that I exist, I'll be glad to tell u where to find me without a gun preferred (but on the fence)....
A pleasure to meet u.
Well Anamika, I hate to break it to you but my name is not Joe. I'm not sure who you think this is, but it should all be in fun. I certainly don't take this very seriously, just a way to vent or throw snarky comments out on the interwebz.
I hope you exist, just because you're one of the few people who read this, but if you are a figment of our collective imagination, then I shouldn't be confused for long...
That's a revelation! I am totally convinced now (ofcourse sarcasam)!
I am sure it took a lot of calls and emails to make sure your family did not blurt something out....:-) Not that there was really much of a problem on that front, since their reaction in general seems to be to threaten me with physical harm or call me stupid without reading what I am saying.... (I am sure there were some well-wishers among them that did not wish me any specific harm :-))
Not that I expected anything different, but Bigfoot guy ticked me off, that's why I even bothered to respond.... If I wanted to, I can pull up several things said on this blog to prove my point...and you are forgetting my trip to CA..but it does not matter....
I have no doubts that I am real (and spectacular :-)).. but I'll pretend that I don't exist since you are trying so hard... since it is the holidays and all .... Merry Christmas
P.S: Bigfoot guy - if you are reading, you are a big wus.
Oh no...what did I start. Perhaps Homer will let me do an open letter to the great Anamika. What do you say Homer/Joe?
Sorry, I dragged you into this. I can assure you that you neither started nor ended anything. I no longer know how to react to this, but still, thanks! I guess knowing that one is not delusional is an asset?
--Anamika (torn but dropping pretense briefly to say thanks... I am seeing email from the thread!!)
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