Look, I get the fact that not everyone is classically beautiful. The myth of an ideal beauty is just that, a myth. But just because there is no real standard of beauty doesn't mean that there aren't standards of soul-shrinking ugly. And that brings us to Tilda Swinton, who should only venture out of her house on Halloween. I didn't think that this level of hideous was possible without CGI. I can only think that no matter what the wizards of LucasArts were to try, Tilda would still end up uglier than Bernie Madoff's soul. Assuming you could find it. I'm assuming what she's holding is some talisman that Satan gave her to let him know when to bring up the rest of her family out of the pits of hell.
Just go away Tilda, I'm sure there's a house you should be haunting.
I had a friend in college who told me she though Tilda Swinton was beautiful. Then, like a week later, she told me my hair was beautiful. I could only get offended. We aren't friends anymore.
The first time I remember her in a movie was Chronicles of Narnia. I thought the makeup people "made" her look so white she's transparent, and eerily exactly like her character should. Then I saw her in some red carpet photos and realized that it was just damn good casting to find a mortal woman that actually looks exactly like a white witch, complete with soul-less eyes and a deal with the devil. Creepy.
Renee, I totally would have accepted her compliment anyway. That's because I am totally vain and attention-hungry. I would so listen to The Donald if he told me my hair looked good.
Here's my two cents... I don't know who her hair stylist is, but they should be shot and left in the desert for their eyes to be pecked out by a buzzard. But the worst part of Tilda isn't seen in this photo. She has the ugliest feet I've ever seen! She was in Constantine *yes, I have seen that movie many times, and like it, but her feet creep me out more than looking at her face!
It's going to be a really close call.
look at the first picture.
I've heard that anemia can make one look pale. But both of them look like they are completely missing the thing called hemoglobin
Oh my, Anamika! My eyes need some melatonin NOW! I am going to google Rosario Dawson, Halle Berry, Kim Kardashian, Jessica Alba... Something to readjust my eyesight.
Wow, that was horrific. It kind of reminded me of the time when Courtney Love was walking around pickling her liver.
Maybe these people are vampires. It would explain some of it...
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