Since Rhode Island is leading the way in unemployment, at something like 11%, it only makes sense that a Providence strip club is having a job fair. I'm sure that resumes will be strictly checked and references called. I'm going to bet money that anyone showing up for this will be someone who the public will pay to stay clothed. Just a hunch...
Oh, and how soon after Ms. Berkley shot that scene did she need to go get her shots?
That's crazy and the picture is disgusting! Is that really her? I think I saw part of that movie, but I don't remember that. Gross!
Now I am completely sold on ShowGirls. I am not going to rest till I've seen it.
It is sooo amazingly bad, I cannot even describe it. The best part about it is the film-makers were trying so hard to make this a serious film, yet it fails on every possible level. I need to see it again soon.
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