Sometimes them hookers get uppity and bit your tongue and stuff, and you just gotta knock that bitch out. At least that is how the Sham-Wow guy rolls. Camera guy are you catchin' this???
PS - How would this situation be different if it was Billy Mays? I guess the hooker would be covered with black beard dye...
I love the headline... "ShamPOW". Effing HILARIOUS!
Here's a question... Why does he kind of look like a more wrinkly Benicio Del Toro in that picture!?! lol
The magic of make-up and television makes him look less like the wrinkly BDT in the ad. Is it just me or do they both look like they've been slapped and chopped?
prostitutes, pimps, gigolos, strippers .. is that the entire gamut with respect to the "oldest profession" (s maybe)? I tend to think I like the boob-banter better....that teaches me....:-)
Oh, I think we can probably figure something out to extend the streak...
Actually, I agree about preferring boob discussion. I'll get right on that.
Good call on Benecio Del Toro Sheri!!
I'm just going to put this out there: those hookers look like they weren't cheap.
True that Renee. Sham wow must pay more than that hellish airline I work for.
Post something new already!!! haahahah
Do you think ShamPOW will be featured on here: http://www.usatoday.com/life/television/news/2009-04-14-pitchmen_N.htm I don't think so either.
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