After the ugliness that was that last post, I thought I should put something else up to push it down into obscurity. On a completely unrelated note, all that blonde post needed was a Jenna Jameson story about how some quack butchered her busted vag to cap off the blonde mess. Ugh.

Why do people pay for sex? I know that math dorks and comic-book nerds keep prostitutes in business, but for the normal person, what is the appeal of paying for companionship? Susanne Klatten is the richest woman in Germany and is married to some guy. I'm no marriage counselor, but if you are paying someone for sex, there might be issues there, but Susanne decided to spice up her life with this guy here:

So this guy decides that getting money to get freaky with this Frau just isn't cutting it. He needs more, so he blackmails her eventually getting over $9 million. What the hell is wrong with these people? She would have been better served spending $125 on a good vibrator and giving the rest of that money to Bernie Madoff. At least then her screwing would have been historic, instead of pathetic.
And what is with this guy?$9 mil ain't enough? Well now he has six years in prison to think about what a colossal tool he's been, and I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that no one is going to pay him for the use of his ass.
I would have totally been her whore for $4.5 million. Think of the savings!
Never mind. I was just reminded something about how I'm not a lesbo (unless it's Angelina, then I TOTALLY am gay) and that my soul might be worth $10 million.
Powerful men are known to cheat and indulge in sensation-seeking activities and take risks. it's their genes and the testosterone levels (courtesy Spitzer - the media had nothing else to discuss for a few days!). Why should women be left behind?
Anyone paying for sex is an idiot. If you are rich and employing a whore, you are a super-sized idiot. Of course their gonna turn on you and try to black mail your pervy, rich ass!
Greed, power, sexual deviancy...I don't care if you are man or woman, you've got problems.
Well, I've got the greed and sexual deviancy down, now onto the power and riches...
Well, first of all, this David Lee Roth song is my absolute favorite. Funny part is why did I sing this to a co-worker last thursday?!? That is too funny.
I have some questions about this story about the man-whore. Was he a legit man-whore? Or was he just some dude she made a deal with? I guess she couldn't find a guy around willing to screw her for free? I don't know about Germany, but I know in America go to the local bar, buy a hot guy a few drinks, and go to the Cozy Mo-zey, and you've got anonymous sexual exploits. This is why women are not the same as men, Anamika. We NEVER should / would have to pay for sex. There are too many horn-dog men out there that would pay you to suck your toes!
Apparently, he's a real man-whore. He had been blackmailing other clients as well. For some reason I was under the impression that a man-whore would have to be attractive, not look like he should be asking you if you would like all of that deposit in checking.
is that the dad from Malcolm in the Middle?
Good call, I wonder if the BMW lady had to shave him at the breakfast table too...
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