I was digging through the dvd collection the other day and ran across Dark City, a strange sci-fi movie that came out a year or two before The Matrix, but dealt with some of the questions of the nature of reality. It is a very cool movie, very odd, but good. Anyway, Jennifer Connelly played Rufus Sewell's wife, and she looks great. The nice thing about Connelly is that on top of being a pretty decent actress and a beautiful woman, she also seems to have her shit together. Yeah, between her and Salma, they are going to keep those eyebrow sculpters in business, but no one is perfect...
Wow! you've been busy today!
I thinks Jennifer C's pretty and a good actress.. But I don't know if I would put her in the "hot" category with Salma Hayek and the others you have here...
I remember thinking she was really hot in that Target movie back in the day.... My opinion hasn't changed.
This is DEFINITELY your list. Not sure the fascination with this chick.
i think she's pretty and her eyes are beautiful. hot 10 though? lol
I think she's attractive in a realistic, girl next door way. She has great eyes, great hair and some meat on her bones. She's more pretty than strikingly beautiful but I don't think that matters. Good choice.
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