In the midst of a Lost Lovefest, trust ABC to be killjoys for people who enjoy good comedy. Despite the fact that there are two major holes in their Wednesday night comedy block - c'mon, do we really need a repeat of The Middle kicking off the night? And Cougar Town? A stupid idea executed with all of the subtlety of Gob Bluth after six or seven forget me nows - ABC officially killed off Better Off Ted this week. It was only one of the best comedies on television, the writing, acting, and casting were all top notch. And it doesn't even get to air all of their episodes. Dumb....
And a big screw you to Fox as well, their studio actually makes the show.... but they would rather air shit like Sons of Tucson. Makes no sense to me. Oh well, I guess I just have to wait for Portia to make another hilarious show that no one else watches.
THIS SUCKS!!!!!!!!!! I love this show and have watched it since it started. I agree: why not put it in the Wednesday night comedy block? I also agree about the See The Joke Coming From A Mile Away Cougar Town. I heard they're possibly going to change the title because it's retarded, but that doesn't fix the fact that it's a lowest common denominator shit-fest.
ABC did this last season with an absolute GEM of a show - Pushing Daisies. It was awesome, and totally worth Netflixing the two seasons for you and the Mrs. I heard it is actually a cure for Twilight mania.
These are the times when I wish I had real TV and not just Netflix - I haven't watched Better of Ted and am thus part of the problem of it heading to the chopping block. I kick myself for being part of the problem when Arrested Development was on, too. Sigh.
Kristin, I am stealing your idea for Homer and am going to start up Pushing Daisies. Maybe one day I might jump into Lost. Well, probably not. It seems to use too much brain power.
I tried watching this once and I didn't get into it. I was going to try and check it out again once they put it back on, but I think they killed it before they had a chance. I heard ABC's killing Flash Forward too... BOOO!! Suckas!
Okay Homer, Better Off Ted is now on Netflix and I am almost done with season 2. WHY WAS THIS CANCELED??? It is awesome and now I am going to cry.
I will miss Phil and Linda the most. Of course, looking at Ted is not a bad thing either (he looks like a grown up Adam Levine).
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