I believe that those were my exact words when the premier of Lost aired oh those many years ago. My sister-in-law was hooked immediately, as were others whom I both knew and respected. I tried watching an episode somewhere in season 2 that seemed to involve a lot of wandering around an island... not exactly hooking me in the process. But really, when Lost first started airing, I was still ridiculously busy coaching several sports at a local high school. Not conducive to catching a television show on a regular basis.
So I missed out on the first season or two of the show, and after that, I couldn't be bothered to try and catch up. At least that is what I thought until last year. The wife and I were talked into giving the show a shot after listening to family and friends rant, rave, and generally act like lunatics about a television show that seemingly only came on for a few months a year. We watched over 100 hours of Lost in about two months, and I'll tell you it was time well spent. So now that the show is coming to a close next Sunday, I thought I'd spend the week posting about my favorite characters, episodes, and explain why I'm not as insane as people like Jeff Jensen.
I am excited to see the end of the show, but I really feel bad for those fans like my sister-in-law. She and her friends have invested so much time and energy into this show that I hope they have enjoyed a ride unlike any of us have ever seen on network television.
Until later...
YOU'RE WELCOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am going to be sad when the show ends, but I'm not going to flip out or anything. It has been a great ride, and I'd much rather it end this way then jump the shark at some point and die drowning in a shame stew **cough - Heroes - cough**. The great thing about this show is it totally stands up to repeat viewings, so when I miss it, I'll just rewatch it and catch the subtle things they throw in there and you miss until you've seen what happens 3 seasons down the road. I only ask for Josh Holloway to get cast in something ASAP....
Most definitely thank you...
It has been fun to finally get the show and experience that bit of last year and this as it unfolds. Heroes has always sucked.
I am sooo looking forward to the Blu-ray box set in August. I might not pay my mortgage that month, but I will have that.
The Sports Guy at ESPN, Bill Simmons, is a big dork, but he has been a huge Lost fan since the beginning and he had one of those guys on his podcast yesterday. Simmons agrees with you about Holloway, he thinks he could be a break-out star. If you have an hour to kill, it's worth going over to ESPN.com to check the podcast out. It is on the opening page.
Here's the link... it is on the right hand side of the page:
And thank YOU for watching it while Eric and I were over. Without The Constant, Eric and I would be missing a piece of our lives.
I'll have to go check out that podcast. I cracked up about Heroes always sucking - but I truly did enjoy the first season, it was different and I think it was pretty well done, but it completely sucked after that.
Josh Holloway is oh so easy on the eyes, which is why I want him cast in something right away, but he has truly proved himself a talented actor in the last 2 seasons, so I have no doubt he could be great in a worthy project.
I also thank you for letting us come over and watch Lost on a kick-ass HDTV!
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