The Disney princesses are more than marketing, they represent the good, innocent, and pure things in the world. Well, actually they don't, but they are there for all of those little girls, setting unrealistic expectations and prepping them for their eating disorders and body issues. So what happens when you add comic book dorks to a Disney princess? I guess you get this:

It is more than a little disturbing, but I guess there's a market out there for this which is why we live in the world we do.
Um - WOW. What is this from? Please enlighten me.
Where did this appear from...
Who is scott campbell? did not get to google...
No worse or better than Jessica rabbit...
I'd rank her hotter than Kim K...
The image itself isn't bad, but it is the general idea of taking what is supposed to be kiddie entertainment and ramping up the sexy to this level....
I agree with you - but I am wondering if this is just some random dude's drawing or if it is part of a real commercial venture?
Nah, he's a professional.... I followed a link to this site, there are other takes on some of the princesses:
Be careful, I cannot guarantee it being SFW....
This is just some random dude drawing. He drew some Disney princesses and I think they are great :)
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