Okay K-Rock, I was looking for pictures of SJP and all I could find was this horrible picture of Molly Ringwald. I know that we are all getting older, but what the hell happened to her face? She was never the best looking girl, but damn... I think that you can find her doppelganger hanging out under a bridge, threatening goats. Careful folks, this image is large, click at your own risk...
She looks like her swelling hasn't gone down from her recent plastic surgery. And why couldn't someone do her hair?? I can't stand watching the award shows, but I was flipping through the channels and I saw her on stage and thought she looked a bit like a train wreck, but seeing this up close and personal... EWWWW!
I would still rather see Molly than SJP. Which isn't saying much.
She looks like she's getting ready for RuPaul's new show...
YIKES! Even that old ass burn victim behind her wouldn't hit it.
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