So this week marked the debut of the 2009 Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue, a somewhat bizarre American tradition. Traditionally released at the close of the NFL season, the swimsuit issue has always strode uncomfortably along the line mainstream titillation and out and out soft-core. Whatever, I'll leave that for the social critics. All I know is that for as long as I can remember, it was always a big deal to find out what model was going to be on the cover.
So I thought it was interesting this year as yet another swimsuit issue was in the offing and it was revealed that Bar Rafaeli was this year's cover model. I made the comment to the wife that Bar was just a little attractive, and her response was 'Really? I don't see it." Now this is the woman who has never been shy about identifying women who she feels are pretty, so I found this odd. Am I crazy to think that this lady is pretty hot? Deluded into thinking her boyfriend isn't gay, but hot? Or am I just going blind? Let me know. Maybe I'm just getting old, it is possible.
Yeah, I like the side boob but that is it. She isn't attractive. At all. And I am part-lesbo (in my mind) so I am pretty much an expert on this.
If she wasn't banging DiCaprio we wouldn't even know who she is.
I'm with the girls on this one, brother. She's got a "butta-face". Great body, but her face... YIKES!!!
I find no fault in this woman. I'd give her the business.
By the way, I know we're probably no longer debating this, but I'm siding with the men on this one. She's attractive, face and all.
Then again, I AM going blind, so maybe I'm not helping your case much.
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