So there I am watching The Soup when my eyes were accosted by a commercial of E!’s latest television abonination. Kourtney and Khloe Kardashian are in Miami and E! is going to subject the world to their inane travels. I’m not sure why I’m supposed to care about these freaks. Look, I get that Kim is pretty hot, but why exactly am I supposed to follow her uglier, and apparently less talented** and interesting** siblings on television? Is E! that hard up to fill time? I know that Holly Madison hasn’t gotten her own show yet, so there are depths to be mined here. Anyway, it made me long for the days of Senor Sock and the days when Bruce Jenner was still a relevant due to his accomplishments, not just for having a douchebag son and a needy stage mom for a wife. I'm going to go scrub my eyes now.
** I am only guessing here, I'm still not sure why Kim's famous other than her 'leaked' tape (see what I did there?).
I can't agree with you on that one! lol I ♥ the Kardashians! Kim is by far the most beautiful though...
I love that picture of Kim's ass
Yeah, I'm sorry, it must be a girl thing, but I'm excited for this show.
I do, however, miss Senor Sock.
Whatever happened to Senor Sock?
All I am going to say is, you won't believe the number of times I hit google in the context of this post!
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